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Extractions in Tampa, FL

Wisdom teeth extractions are a common procedure aimed at addressing issues often associated with these molars. When wisdom teeth attempt to emerge through the gums, they frequently encounter obstacles. Impacted wisdom teeth, for instance, emerge at an angle rather than straight through the gum line, causing discomfort and potential complications. Partial emergence of wisdom teeth may lead to the formation of a skin flap, known as an operculum, making the tooth challenging to clean and prone to food accumulation, potentially resulting in an infection called pericoronitis. While pericoronitis may resolve on its own, it can cause swelling and pain in the affected area. 

When impacted or problematic wisdom teeth are identified, extraction becomes necessary. This procedure can involve the removal of a single tooth or all four wisdom teeth, depending on the patient’s needs and preferences. Patients may opt for a local anesthetic to numb the extraction area or choose general anesthesia for sedation during the procedure.

During the extraction procedure, the gum tissue surrounding the wisdom tooth is carefully incised to access the tooth. The tooth is then gently loosened and extracted, either as a whole or in pieces if it is tightly impacted. Sutures may be required to close the incision site, with soluble sutures often preferred for their ability to dissolve over time.

Following the procedure, it’s important to rest and avoid lying flat to minimize bleeding. Patients should have a friend or family member drive them home due to the effects of anesthesia. Bleeding at the extraction site is common initially, and patients will be instructed to change gauze as needed. If bleeding persists beyond 24 hours, it’s essential to contact the dentist.

Pain medication and ice packs may be provided to manage discomfort and swelling. Soft foods are recommended during the recovery period to avoid irritation at the extraction site. Patients should refrain from using straws or smoking, as these actions can disrupt the healing process.

If prolonged pain, bleeding, or other concerns arise post-surgery, patients should promptly contact their dentist for a follow-up appointment.

Do you have impacted teeth or other oral health issues requiring attention? Contact Dr. Neeraja Jasthi, DMD in Tampa, FL at 813-866-9913 to discuss whether extraction is the best solution for your needs.