(813) 866-9913
Have a perfect smile!

Revitalize Your Smile with Dental Bridges in Tampa, FL

Missing a tooth? Dental bridges offer a fantastic solution to restore your smile in Tampa, FL. By utilizing your existing teeth, a bridge is created to seamlessly span the gap left by the missing tooth.

Crafted from durable materials like gold, metal alloys, or porcelain, bridges are designed to be strong and resilient. The process begins by shaping the existing teeth to serve as abutments for the bridge. Once prepared, a precise mold of the area is taken and sent to a dental lab. Here, skilled technicians use the mold to fabricate a custom bridge that fits snugly and closely mimics the appearance of your natural teeth. This bridge typically consists of two crowns to anchor onto the abutments and a pontic, the artificial tooth that fills the gap.

While awaiting the creation of your permanent bridge, we’ll provide a temporary one to safeguard the abutments and gum tissue, ensuring a more aesthetically pleasing appearance than leaving the gap unfilled. Upon receiving the permanent bridge from the lab, you’ll return for a follow-up appointment to have it set in place using adhesive.

Adjusting to your new bridge may take a few days, but soon it will feel just like having your own teeth back. During the initial phase, sticking to soft foods is recommended, but afterward, you’ll be able to enjoy your favorite foods without any concerns.

Aside from the obvious aesthetic benefits, replacing a missing tooth is essential for maintaining the structural integrity of your mouth and jaw, as well as ensuring proper eating and speaking functions. Don’t wait any longer to restore your smile! Schedule an appointment today and take the first step towards a complete and confident smile.